How do you know if you are anxious?


Mental Health Matters Here Anxiety

How do you know if you are anxious?

How do you know - animated-character.

Consider these questions and how you might answer them.  

Are you feeling worried, nervous and agitated?  

Are you feeling fearful about things that others are generally not fearful about?  

Do you spend large amounts of time worrying?  

Do you always predict a dramatic and negative outcome?  

Do you have a range of physical symptoms that are consistent with a fear response such as your heart racing, increased breathing, and muscle tension? 

Do you find it hard to relax and switch off?  

If you answer yes to most of these questions you may be experiencing anxiety and may find this virtual guide helpful. Most importantly remember you are not alone. There are plenty of things you can do and support networks that are there to help. Most importantly don’t forget you can talk to your tutor, the safeguarding team and others you trust at Activate Learning.  

It is important to deal with anxiety as it can be very unpleasant to experience and it can limit the things you want to do. Left untreated, anxiety can last a long time and may lead from one anxiety condition to another.